Wisdom is satisfying…it has the power to draw us into wholeness. I have been writing about the words satisfy and satisfying for two years straight now. Beginning in January 2023 these words were highlighted to me in Scripture, the question being what were we born for, what has God designed to satisfy us?
I asked God if He had any more to say about satisfy and some thoughts came to mind.

I’ve been watching Narnia with my older daughters the past few months, as it was one of the few series I didn’t get into as a child, and I was watching snippets of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, whilst also trying to keep the 3 year old watching her cartoons in another room.
There were several scenes where temptations came in the form of green vapor to tempt the children, and as my husband said, these evil lies only had power to affect them while they agreed with them. As soon as they brought themselves out of agreement these things had to vanish. One child gave into the temptation and it took him places he didn’t want to be, but even then towards the end of the movie there was a way out.
We will never be satisfied when we are believing lies or chasing things that are not in alignment with God.
He has said in His Word that there are many things that will satisfy us, with long life will HE satisfy us and show us His salvation …Ps 91… HE satisfies our mouths with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagles…Psalm 103… HE satisfies the longing soul …Ps 107…

A line from an old song has been playing through my mind:
I’m not satisfied living in yesterdays hour, I’m not satisfied to have the form and not the power. I’m not satisfied…. Lord I am crucified with you. I believe in You, I believe in the power of the Word that is true!
I had a dream last about a Christian conference, where there were just worship leaders with one keyboard and some microphones and backing tracks, not even a full band, and it felt like an old song was being played, it had an 80s / 90s vibe but it in reality I don’t think I’ve heard it before? The worship leaders were singing, “Are you ready, are you ready for the kingdom come?”
And the congregation were singing back, “we are ready, we are ready for the kingdom come!”
And then a young man I knew was blowing a bugle and declaring, It is time to be established, tear down in your life what is not working, and become established in what is.
And then he immediately as he was still really just amazed at what had come out of his mouth, he needed to come into the Sunday School and help me enforce some boundaries to one of his children.
I’ve heard so many times from prophetic dreams this year that the family is where God is doing such a big work at the moment, where parents are constantly just trying to do ministry, they are ministering to their family by being present and living the same thing at home as on the stage. The stage or ministry won’t satisfy if the family is falling apart….actually only God will satisfy, but He’s also made us to be satisfied by doing what we are called to do…but only if things are in right alignment.
And maybe you’re here saying, I did everything right for my kids and yet I’m not seeing them walking in the way I trained them up in.
I recently had a dream full of symbolism from my childhood, of what God was desiring to breathe into families in this season.
There have been many families where the parents or one parent tried to do everything right, the routines were in place, the Bible reading was in place, and yet there are so many major fractures right now.
And God is saying, there’s still hope. Keep praying. Keep believing.
I felt God was saying He wanted to breathe fresh hope into families that have been in survival mode, where physical illness and mental health issues have stolen your vision. The dream, the routines you once had in mind for your family that have fallen to the wayside due to extreme exhaustion and constant attack.
And God is saying, there’s still hope. Keep praying. Keep believing.
If this has blessed you, I invite you to read my whole STUDY ON SATISFY SCRIPTURES