I remember going through drive thru at Maccas late one night planning to grab something cold to keep me awake on the hour long drive home. Secretly in my heart I’d been desiring a chocolate thickshake which I hadn’t had since I was a teenager, but A, that’s a lot of sugar, B they are $5, & C I wasn’t about to introduce my children in the backseat to one at 11pm at night.
But God knew & somehow in my order, though I didn’t order it, there ended up being a chocolate thickshake & I really enjoyed it.
I knew it was Him showing me His love. 6 months later when I had a diagnosis of gestational diabetes & was having to follow low carb rules to keep it under control, I was reading through a list of things I had written down of ways He had shown His faithfulness and I stumbled across the chocolate thickshake.
I felt Him say to me that He didn’t just want me to enjoy one when I wasn’t pregnant but also when I was and faith rose up inside me that I would see my blood sugar levels stay within a healthy range. While I was still wise with my eating, every week the numbers improved, & I could gradually have more sugar.

Normally when your blood sugar levels improve in pregnancy with gestational diabetes it means that the placenta could be deteriorating so that had to be checked, but as it was after the baby was born, our midwife commented on how the placenta was exceptionally healthy. This had been a concern the whole pregnancy because I had also been sick with a terrible chest infection that had lasted 3 months, and had caused me to lose weight.
I KNEW God wanted me well, and I would often have prayer from others and it would shift a bit, enough for me to go out for half a day, then I’d collapse back in bed. I wasn’t putting on weight & the midwife was quite worried. One night after listening to a sermon about healing being the children’s bread, I woke up twice smelling toast cooking in the room, which had never happened before.
The chest infection would go and come back. One day in frustration I found a testimony of a lady who, along with her daughter had life threatening asthma. She too was having the issue of it shifting but coming back, but she just kept listening to testimonies of God healing & one day it left & never came back and she did not need her meds any longer. Every time the asthma & coughing symptoms would start I would put on that testimony and within a week the chest infection had gone properly. This is the power of testimony.
Writing for Five Minute Friday on the word prompt: Testimony