Today is Five Minute Friday, and our topic is MISS. Do you feel like something’s missing, or someone or your missing out on something? We all have things missing in our lives, but the most important thing to make sure, is that it’s not Jesus. If everything else is crowding Him out, whether that’s your schedule or even ministry, something needs to give, and that might sound like an oxymoron but hearing Jesus and resting in Him is imperative to you living the life you’re called to.
Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in what works for everyone else’s blog, and how yours measures on the scale of blogs, especially if you’re working towards a goal of a certain amount of page views, or money making.
I’ve been participating in a number of great blogging webinars, list building courses, and reading a ton of articles, and I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be, after all they keep turning up in my inbox, somewhat uninvited. Earlier this year, God made it pretty clear that my calling at the moment was to write, but it just hasn’t happened as fast as I would have hoped. But through these courses I’ve got words written that may never have come out, that I know will one day change people’s lives, because the principles I’ve written have changed mine.
I had my blog schedule written out, of what I was going to get achieved each month and for the most part, I’m a long way behind, and my schedule was written I thought realistically.
But God knows, He knows what He’s put on my heart to write, and who it needs to reach now, and He also knows that I’m having another baby in 5 weeks and though some people seem to be able to power on and pump out blog content, e-books and e-letters, I’m pretty sure that I can’t right now.
I was pondering this question when I turned my Bible to my reading for the day and the Scripture that jumped out at me was: ‘Do not wear yourself out to get rich, have the wisdom to show restraint.’
My timer says stop, but would you give me another few paragraphs?
On one of the blogging groups that I’m part of today, amidst bloggers who are making tons of money, one brave soul shared that the most important thing was to write and create the quality content that’s on your heart, even if right now you don’t have the time to promote it well. Be faithful with what you have now – your time will come.
Over the last 12 months I’ve learnt my limitations. I cannot work a part time job, volunteer for various ministries, write a blog, mother a toddler, and build a multi level marketing business no matter how much I believe in what I’m doing. Maybe some of you can, but I could not without my spirit getting seriously malnourished, my child getting frazzled and my husband and I falling into bed stressed and tired at different times.
Even though it was probably the worst financial decision for us, God asked me to step away from everything, except digging deep into Him, looking after toddler and letting the ink flow because there was time. I could breathe again, though many people couldn’t understand how I could just walk away from it all, and then we moved towns.
Because she’s the gift I’ve been given to grow and I don’t want her to think that I’ve spent her childhood on the computer, and this photo is 18 months old.
I know some of you can’t just dump the load you’re under -it’s a season and one day it will change, just like mine’s about to and I know I can’t add more to the load when I have a new baby who needs to be my priority and a toddler who will need special love and care.
Sometimes more than understanding business plans and strategies we need to understand God’s seasons and where He’s put us. Just because I’ve spent the last 5 months pouring in information about blogging and business doesn’t mean it’s quite ready to launch. Just follow His prompts and be faithful with what you have, and remember when a tree bears fruit, it doesn’t bear all it’s fruit in one season. Each season has a slightly different crop, and there are seasons for growing that fruit and seasons for dropping that fruit so that the tree can reinvigorate.
I’ve defined for myself amidst tons of to do lists, what’s most important for me. My goal this month is to read through the book of Acts, to be reading a paragraph from some sort of devotional, to be sharing the Holy Communion, to be praying in tongues, to take my supplements and to drink enough water. Hopefully these things will be daily, but even if they’re not, having them before my eyes, helps them to be more regular.
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Nice to meet another blogger from outside the US!
Thanks for sharing so openly, I guess it can be quite overwhelming with the many success stories out there. Yet I encourage you to keep going with your writing because most of all, you bless yourself and nourish something deep inside of you when you pick up that pen! Happy Friday!
Well done on making the hard decision that works for you and your family 🙂 It is such an intense time of life and our spare minutes are so precious! I’m sure you will look back on this time and see how it was building towards something special 🙂
I like this because it makes me realize that I am not the only one who struggles wanting to learn and grow in my blog. I think I am coming to a point of this where I just need to write and allow God to guide and work. I have a class coming up soon this month. Maybe God will show me something there. visiting from #9
I love the honesty, the admission that it is hard to do what no one else seems to be doing, what seems to make no sense. It is so, so easy to feel “left behind,” Lizzy, and you are doing the hard, but the right, thing, by putting first things, first. Thank you for sharing this post today – it encouraged this mama’s heart. Because the amazing thing is, someday when we look back with clear eyes, we’ll realize we didn’t miss the things that didn’t matter.
Each season has a slightly different crop, and there are seasons for growing that fruit and seasons for dropping that fruit so that the tree can reinvigorate.
Sometimes we are just to write, sometimes our words are for no one but ourselves. And sometimes we think we know what fruit God wants to bear in us only to discover that our idea may be different than what Jesus has for us.
Poppin in from FMF in the #32 and 43 spots today.
Caught this link on your FMF post for today, and just had to comment here instead on today’s “eat” prompt writing. I really admire your wisdom and sanity here. I don’t think God gives us the gifts he does for the world and its ways to yank them this, that, and the other way—most often away from the most important things. Too many people are way too overloaded, and no one can do her best spread so thinly as jumping through all the hoops and checking all the boxes makes us do. God bless your good sense of priorities, your growing family, and your writing. (I’m at #14 on FMF today, Oct 28.)
Thank you, I was really wondering whether this particular post was even relevant, but you’ve inspired me that it is, and that I need to write some more stuff relating to this. Blessings to you 🙂