Action Videos: Scripture Memory for Kids

“You have one tongue and two ears,” Mum would always say, “You need to do twice as much listening as you do talking.”    And for Scripture memory, the topic was often the power of the tongue.

From all those Scriptures, there’s one that so stood out to me, at age 15, when it was suggested I really study the chapter in Proverbs that related to my age, and that was chapter 15.

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”    I’ve chewed on it like a cow with a cud, and thought about how to use it in different situations; with my daughters, in the workplace and home.   I’m not perfect.  My tongue needs so much help.

Gentle Answer Turns Away Wrath - Scripture Memory Printable


For the last few years I’ve been wanting to do some Scripture Memory videos for kids.   Us mothers with young children need to teach our kids God’s Word and I find that acting out things activates our memory and that of our young children.  (Like that time I put the whole of Psalm 91 to tambourine patterns with some girls from my church.  I still remember it and regularly pray it, more so than any other Scripture.)

I remember working as a governess for a family and the mother began doing  Scripture memory for her kids with actions, or a rappy sort of rhyme to it, and the five children remembered so well!  Even the toddlers were mumbling and acting along.  I determined that I would use this method as soon as I had children who were old enough.

So here I am, and I’m going to be really focusing on the power of the tongue, because just in Proverbs alone this theme is mentioned around 200 times.

My 4 year old and I will say the Scripture along with the actions and then I’ll explain what God has shown me about it, and how you would use it in different situations.

I wanted to launch these Scripture memory videos at the beginning of the year however there was some crazy family medical stuff going on, but better late than never!  I hope to launch one video, at the beginning of each month.

For the very first Scripture I’ve got a free printable PDF file of a boy’s and girl’s version.

Can you guess what our first Scripture will be?    In the video I talk about how I’ve used it everyday and then what it looks like to use this in a confrontation where you need to hold someone accountable, stand your ground and yet do it lovingly.

(My other favourite resource for Scripture Memory is Australian singer and song writer Colin Buchanan.  So much of the Scripture in my heart is from his incredible songs.  I sang in concert with him when I was 8 and I’ve since taken my daughters to two of his concerts cause they just keep getting better and the music has kept up with the times!)

If you’d like to get notified the next time I release one of these videos, you can either subscribe to YouTube or Subscribe to our e-mail list.

Linking up at:  Salt and Light Facebook Group and Arabah Joy

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About Elizabeth

My name is Elizabeth Ainsworth, a wife and mother in QLD Australia who shares her ponderings of faith at Where Deep Calls to Deep

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