It is amazing as humans that we have the God given ability to look beyond our current circumstances, to see that one day God could turn the whole thing around; to align our hearts with His promises and to start to have a positive imagination about the future.
It says in Psalm 103 that He satisfies our mouths with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagles. NKJV
NLT – He fills my life with good things.
NIV – our desires with good things.
Multiple Versions – who satisfies our years with good things.

Our hearts were made for hope, our hearts were made to look forward in expectation, to see the current and have satisfaction in the work of our hands and to be able to look back and see what God has done.
I heard a quote by Janessa Wait: Same God, different promises. We look back and see the promises that He fulfilled in the past, and we realise it’s the same God giving us future promises and that itself should reassure our hearts.
This week we were driving interstate on a delivery trip and my husband hurt his neck sleeping wrong just before the last three hour drive. He was in a lot of pain and rested, took pain killers, had an essential oil massage and we prayed. After a few hours of him resting, I heard lines from a song playing in my head:
I’ve got my confidence back, cause I still believe in the One who does miracles, You do miracles.
Apparently those lines are a version of the song More than Able by Elevation Music.
We decided to drive the last three hours home, and then he worked a 9 hour full day welding the next day…and spent the following day in bed.

I was praying for someone this week and saw a picture of them dancing with rainbow coloured, organza ribbons that were attached to 30cm sticks. I used to make a lot of these for my mission trips to Papua New Guinea.
As I kept praying for this person the impression I received was that occasionally she was asking herself, do I have a firm enough hold on the promises of God, they seem so floaty and maybe theological?
And I felt God say, ‘Watch and see my promises float and weave through your life. But also remember what they do to the enemy. With dancing ribbons you can flick the enemy in the eyes with My promises.’
I was reminded of the scene from the Barbie Musketeers movie where the girls were using the ribbons to trip up the enemy and flick out candles in secret rooms where plans were being made. Our declaration of God’s promises thwarts the plans of the enemy like Psalm 91 says Surely He will save me from the fowlers snare v2.

I also was reminded of the scene from Farmer Boy where every year the big boys would come and try and thrash the teacher and prevent younger children from learning. That particular year there was a very small teacher but he had a secret weapon. A long whip, and as the big boys advanced towards him he snaked that whip out and tripped them up and whipped them out of that room till he established a precedent of justice.
When we are declaring God’s promises we are establishing a precedent to the enemy. I will whip you if you try this again with me or anyone in my charge. I was super amazed when the lady I was praying for told me she had indeed been a dancer in her youth with ribbons as I had never before spoken to her in my life!
I feel this is also a general word for Christians at the moment. Remember what happens when you are waving God’s promises around over your life!