One Surprising Way to Turn Around a Bad Day

I’m staring blankly at the table and the toddler.  The coffee’s not doing it for me and neither is the chocolate;  the thing I crave more than either of these is five minutes of pen and paper time, to brain dump and write a list.

Often the simple act of grabbing a pen and paper and brain dumping can turn my day around, even if it’s already 4pm.  (Other than making myself find something to be thankful for in the situation I was previously mentally whining about or turning loud happy music on, this is my favourite way to turn a day around.)  writing, goals, planning, gratitude,

Image by Haute Chocolate

Brain dumping everything out of my head also means I’m more likely to actually remember the question that’s floating around in my head that I desperately want to ask in the facebook group so that next time I open up facebook I’m not just staring blankly at it.   In the same way that writing a shopping list, even if one leaves it on their bench can help you remember what you need, though it’s not right in front of you.

If simple questions and shopping lists are so important to write down so that random information is floating through our brain clogging it up, how more important is it to write down Scripture, and to write down revelations and dreams?

Hab 2:2

And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.

God had such wisdom to write down His Word.  While He knew there was a certain amount we could memorise, He also knew that we needed it written.  He also had such wisdom to tell us to write.

Stop.  (That first bit was in response to the word CRAVE for our Five Minute Friday challenge of ‘brain dumping ‘ on one topic for 5 minutes.  And all that, has inspired all this:)

7 Ways to Write Your Way Wise

ways to write your way wise

  1. Journal.  I write down dreams, (night time ones that I know have significance and day time ones).  I write down prophetic words I receive so that I can pray through them.  If I don’t record them on my phone when they are being given or write them down immediately afterwards, I lose the entire encouragement and key points that were given.   I love looking back through my prophetic and encouraging words and these help me to take stock of my life even when it’s a really dry season.  thinkhappybehappy
  2. Write little lists of everything computer/blogging related so you know what you’re doing when you get to the computer and don’t go off on facebook tangents . . . ooooh look shiny!   (One day my toddler was having a ‘melting moment’ of emotion and we asked what was wrong.  She turned around suddenly and said ‘oh look, shiny!’  Yes, toddlers are hilarious)
  3. Even if you don’t really meal plan, write down a list of what you think you might like to eat for dinner for the week.   It will help keep your head a lot clearer and a lot less frazzled at meal times.
  4. When I worked as a governess, one of the mums used to write down everything, and had lists posted all over the house.  One in the toilet, of a simple job to do each day while she was in there of keeping it clean, many in the pantry of supplements to take, what foods were high in what and would help with different issues, a lot of quick snacks for the toddler, a list of activities to do with the five year old, etc.   I’m really coming to see the value of this and have started doing it now to help keep my head clearer.
  5. Write thankfuls, and scribble down Scripture as it stands out to you.  It doesn’t have to be a full on quiet time or anything, just writing that stuff down helps give you perspective and a better chance at memorising it.   todo
  6. Write down a quick overview of your week even if you don’t know too many specifics.  For ages I’ve avoided using a planner because I could never keep to the plan!  Maybe that’s why.  This year I bought myself this cute, Colour the Psalms Planner for a Christmas present and I can’t wait to start using it.   I heard someone say that planners are so much more than a to do list, they are a journal of ideas, hopes and a record of life, let’s make it pretty!colourpsalms
  7. Join the Five Minute Friday challenge!  Through this challenge I’ve recorded so many hopes and moments and processed so much that I otherwise wouldn’t have.  It’s a great way to be real and authentic and remember different seasons of our lives and encourage others in theirs.  We write every Friday for five minutes on a one word prompt.


About Elizabeth

My name is Elizabeth Ainsworth, a wife and mother in QLD Australia who shares her ponderings of faith at Where Deep Calls to Deep

9 thoughts on “One Surprising Way to Turn Around a Bad Day

  1. Great reminder Lizzy …
    That planner looks beautiful … I never stick to a planner much – I need one thats a bit more flexible, so will check it out 🙂

  2. Love these different ideas for things to write down. After having a child my memory and focus are not what they use to, and writing things down keeps my sane!

  3. I love this too! I’m a very hands on person and will often get the urge to get a pen on some paper – it’s so important to see things in front of us and clear our heads to allow for whats really important!

  4. Love this! I love your idea of writing a quick verse and not feeling like we have to put it off until we can have a full-on quiet time. I will use that tip the next time I have a bad morning!

    1. I think the enemy totally lies to us about how powerful it can be just for one verse. One verse that we sink our teeth into can change our lives! Definitely something I have to remind myself of. Blessings to you.

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