Are you justified or condemned? Your powerful tongue is what decides, and it’s a principle our children need to understand.
For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” ESV Matt 12:37
Words are important. God created the world with them and we are made in His image, and we create our worlds with our words, and I think it’s so important our children understand the power of their words.
If you think about how you became a child of God, it’s because you acknowledged Him as Lord of your life.
You spoke words and you were justified – made righteous before God or as another version says acquitted; free from charge by the accuser.
But our words also have the power to condemn us, and others.
We can speak life over ourselves and others or death, eg you’re hopeless, you never do anything right, or I’m hopeless, I never do anything right, I never have any money, I’m always sick.
I was once standing in Vinnies when I overheard the grey haired dears behind the counter chattering like chickens. One sentence stood out, “l’ll never forgive her for that.”
I don’t know whether she was a Christian, but whether she realised it or not, she was condemning herself with her words because forgiveness is a spiritual law, and the power of our words are a spiritual law.
(When we break a spiritual law, it gives the enemy the right to attack us because he roams around seeking whom he may devour and is the accuser of the brethren. )
You may not feel like forgiving but by choosing as an act of your will to speak out forgiveness aloud you are setting your whole body on course for healing.
It may be hard to forgive, so ask God for His empowerment and then choose to do so and speak it aloud; by our words we are justified. Remember your powerful tongue.
(I think it’s important to realise that forgiving is not saying the wrong someone did is ok, it’s releasing yourself from that situation so you can get better. I strongly encourage you to check out, Kaylene Yoder’s deep post on 7 Things Forgiveness is Not)
I’ve seen people who are sick after years of prayer suddenly receive healing when they choose to forgive, and this has been chronicled by medical professionals.
What comes out of your mouth will shape your life, whether for good or for evil and it’s a very powerful lesson that we can teach our children.
Once you say something, you don’t have the power to unsay it. The tongue is like a fire and it can set on fire a great forest, or set into being circumstances that are very hard to reverse.
We’ve done Scripture Memory videos for two other verses on the power of the tongue, complete with similar printables.
A Gentle Answer Turns Away Wrath & The Wise in Heart are Called Discerning
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