I really appreciate your blogs. They are helping me along my journey with Christ, Glory be to God. If you answer these personally I would really love to know more about you over coming your thyroid issue and the spiritual and physical aspect of it. What am I missing or not doing correct. I love you Woman of God. God Bless you dearly.
Thank you for your comment on my blog. I just wanted to respond here, along with on the blog as sometimes people don’t find the comments I leave on the blog.
It was my cousin who has struggled with Autoimmune Thyroid issues, so I can’t advise you particularly on the ins and outs of it. I know that she found going dairy and grain free for a time very helpful in managing it until God brought her healing.
I do know what it is to struggle in this area as I currently have leaky gut which can cause some of the same issues; eg brain fog, anxiety etc. I’ve also had to go grain and dairy free but I continue to push into God for healing. A podcast I really love by Doug Addison is Getting A New Strategy from God for Healing and Financial Breakthrough because he’s gone through a lot of this stuff, inc Lyme’s and Huntington’s Disease and come through using both natural revelations and God breakthroughs.
Another thing we regularly do is to share communion together as a family.
One more thing you could do is to send in a prayer request to our church, Glory City Church Brisbane where they see miracles all the time, including for those who’ve sent in prayer requests. They also live stream the service so that you can watch your prayer request being prayed over and join in praying for others.
I really appreciate your blogs. They are helping me along my journey with Christ, Glory be to God. If you answer these personally I would really love to know more about you over coming your thyroid issue and the spiritual and physical aspect of it. What am I missing or not doing correct. I love you Woman of God. God Bless you dearly.
Thank you for your comment on my blog. I just wanted to respond here, along with on the blog as sometimes people don’t find the comments I leave on the blog.
It was my cousin who has struggled with Autoimmune Thyroid issues, so I can’t advise you particularly on the ins and outs of it. I know that she found going dairy and grain free for a time very helpful in managing it until God brought her healing.
I do know what it is to struggle in this area as I currently have leaky gut which can cause some of the same issues; eg brain fog, anxiety etc. I’ve also had to go grain and dairy free but I continue to push into God for healing. A podcast I really love by Doug Addison is Getting A New Strategy from God for Healing and Financial Breakthrough because he’s gone through a lot of this stuff, inc Lyme’s and Huntington’s Disease and come through using both natural revelations and God breakthroughs.
Another thing we regularly do is to share communion together as a family.
One more thing you could do is to send in a prayer request to our church, Glory City Church Brisbane where they see miracles all the time, including for those who’ve sent in prayer requests. They also live stream the service so that you can watch your prayer request being prayed over and join in praying for others.